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Frequently Asked Questions

The best time of year to plant a garden is in the spring, after the last frost.

How often you water your garden depends on the type of plants you have, the weather, and the soil. Generally, you should water your garden 12 times per week.

The type of fertilizer you use for your garden depends on the type of plants you have. You should consult a gardening expert or the instructions on the fertilizer package to determine which fertilizer is best for your garden.

How often you fertilize your garden depends on the type of fertilizer you use. For organic fertilizers, you should fertilize your garden every 24 weeks. For chemical fertilizers, you should fertilize your garden every 46 weeks.

There are a number of ways to control pests in your garden, including using traps, barriers, and chemicals. You should consult a gardening expert to determine the best way to control pests in your garden.